Newsletter, Winter 2009

The past few months have been challenging and rewarding here in Coatesville. Check out the below snap-shots of what God has been doing~


When devastation hits a small city like Coatesville, it impacts the whole community. After the 15 homes that burned down on Fleetwood St. and attracted national attention, both the government and Church community responded with an aggressive counter strike of compassion and provision. At New Community we took on the PR by setting up a web site as a central communication piece for county and faith based communication, and also took on the entire furniture collection and distribution effort.
To date we have collected furniture for and moved into new apartments, over 13 families! Endless hours from committed volunteers, often giving up work days, free time and much more to help the families has made the entire process a blessing to those displaced. Please continue to pray and assist as we still need to collect furniture and move in approx. 8 more families effected by the fires over the past year. for more info click here.


You guessed it~ The economy has effected all of us...and were feeling the pinch. We are currently at 70% of our GCM monthly goal. This means that any reimbursements are frozen, and starting next month we will not receive a full pay-check. Please be praying for us as a family as we creatively try to make ends meet. If you currently support us on a monthly basis and are willing to increase support, or send in a "special gift" we would greatly appreciate it! If you do not currently support us and are willing to consider please e-mail me at:

Its easy to begin or increased support, or send a special gift. Click here and enter "Steve Wilson" in the search option. Then click on "give" you can create a GCM ID and Password and your on your way!


Stef has been busy minstering through prayer with individuals weekly and this past week started leading another round of Elijah House prayer ministry; a life-transforming course that helps people overcome and heal from past struggles, releasing them into the freedom that Christ desires for us all. Keep Stef in prayer as she starts this powerful 13 week training course~ she has 25 people signed up!


I was recently invited to go with a missions team to Romania (all expenses paid!)...and I'm leaving this Friday. We will be visiting numerous churches and orphanages. I will be doing a lot of preaching/teaching as well as looking into the possibilities of how Hope Beyond Borders can be involved in the region in the future. Pray that God would do a great work in and through our team and that the Gospel would go forth with great power, yielding a lasting harvest for our King!


We covet your prayers in this season. As those that walk by faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross, we do not bow to the spirit of this age. Recession is a reality, however we do not walk as those without hope. Instead, In every thing we give thanks: for this is the will of God concerning us in Christ Jesus!


Please continue to lift up the many families trying to regain some form of normality in the aftermath of the fires.

Pray for our family as it has been an intense season of ministry~ Between the fires and general economic conditions, the needs of coatesville families has intensified. Many are without the basic needs that we often take for granted.

Pray for the Romania Trip


Last month we had 5 people give their life to Christ at our services at NCCC!

Through the fire relief efforts, churches and para-church ministries that at one time would not partner are working together to bring relief!

Madeline Danielle turned 1 year old!

We can't thank each of you enough for partnering with us as we continue to labor for the Gospel. May God continue to richly bless you!

Steve and Stefanie