Christmas Newsletter, 2011

a MIRACLE in a manger.

       a BABY in swaddling clothes.
            a TEENAGE virgin.
                    a FATHER willing to sacrifice.
                               an ANGEL visiting in the night.
                                         The Magi. The star and a crescendo of heavenly hosts shouting, "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people who enjoy his favor!”

The Birth of Jesus continues to echo through the ages as a SONG that grows louder,
            a HOPE that grows brighter,
                        a MESSAGE that moves mountains, and a MESSIAH  that is still reconciling the world back to a loving God!

This Christmas remember that regardless of your humble accomplishments in 2011, in spite of those seeming setbacks, and in defiance of any doubts, God is with YOU.
The miracle in a manger.
                           Emmanuel. Glory to God in the Highest and peace to you through Jesus Christ, our Lord!

When we occasionally run into some of you, the question is often asked, “What are you guys doing lately?”Well, here is a typical week for us …You’d find Stef teaching weekly at Elijah House, doing childcare for some neighborhood kids, mentoring a pre-married couple, making dinner for the family, going on a walk with me, taking the kids to the skate park, leading ministry team leaders in the church and doing some late night work for the MDiv program she started this fall. …You’d find Steve leading a new-believers bible study, prepping for a sermon and an elder team meeting, facilitating a community group at our house, doing laundry, playing with the kids, going for a run, meeting with ministry team leaders for discipleship, planning an HBB meeting, a community development initiative and shooting an email to Romania or Africa.
And yes, we do take a weekly Sabbath day; Saturday’s you won’t find us doing anything but having fun!

Bridgetown Fellowship continues to grow in depth of unity and love as a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-lingual church reaching the Coatesville community for Christ! We have community groups that meet in numerous homes throughout the week and a Sunday Celebration Service at the CYWA in the center of town. Check us out at: or visit us on a Sunday!


This fall Stef has been directing the Elijah House ministry at Bridgetown. The fall school is the largest Elijah House School yet, with 30 students attending from 9 different churches! She just launched an internship program designed to raise up Elijah House facilitators, prayer ministers, and teachers. There are 10 participants
in the new internship program, 2 of which are currently facilitating and teaching. If you are interested in attending Basic 1 or 2 in the spring of 2012, contact

Thanks to those of you that were praying for Steve and the team while they were in Romania. It was through your prayers and the power of God that they witnessed God working in some amazing ways! They led nine church services in five days and visited numerous villages and homes, sharing the Gospel and praying for the sick and hurting.

HBB is gearing up with some exciting new initiates in 2012! With the work in Africa and Romania continuing, we will also be launching new community development initiatives here in Coatesville, including “Coatesville Kids to College.” More to come in a later newsletter!

In this season we especially recognize that we are not alone; that we have a team of faithful partners who love and support us in the calling of God on our lives; and we give God thanks for you this season!

Steve and Stef